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Party in Kings Heath, sleep in the city.


Official Hare & Hounds packages.

Save up to 40% on your tickets, food and hotel.

The Hare & Hounds has been around since 1820, and has established itself as one of the most important and influential music venues in the country.

Playing host to local Birmingham legends UB40’s first-ever gig in 1979, it continues to play a vital part in nurturing the city’s vibrant music and creative community.

Bloc Hotels is proud to partner with the Hare and Hounds to offer exclusive package deals and room discounts.


Exclusive package deals.
Save up to 40%.

Two tickets for your chosen event.
A meal for two at the Hare and Hounds.
View menu.
Room for two at Bloc on the night.

Room only discount.
Save 20%.

Already secured your tickets? No problem!

Save 20% on all rooms at Bloc by selecting "Room only".



Load more.

Frequently asked questions.

If I book a package deal, how do I collect my tickets?

Your tickets will be available for collection from the venue. You'll find full details in your confirmation email.

Can I get a refund if the event is cancelled?

If the event is cancelled and you've booked a package deal, we will refund you in full.

How can you offer package deals when the event is sold out?

As the official hospitality partner for the Hare and Hounds, we have a pre-agreed allocation of tickets for each event.

How far away is the Hare and Hounds from Bloc?

The Hare and Hounds is a short 15-minute taxi ride from Bloc.



77 Caroline Street.
B3 1UG.



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Create an account by booking a discounted VIP+ price when choosing your room. No need to register in advance.